A traditional martial art for modern life

Aikido is a Japanese martial art that promotes fitness, flexibility, resilience and body awareness.

In Aikido, practitioners learn to neutralize an attack by unbalancing and either throwing or pinning their opponent. The techniques emphasize blending with the attacker’s movements and using effective body mechanics, particularly rotational movements that originate from the lower body.

Aikido has no competitions. Training is cooperative, with partners adjusting to each other’s skill level. This makes it possible for individuals of all ages and experience levels to train together safely. The intensity of practice can range from slow and gentle to fast and powerful, depending on the level of the participants.

During training, the defender seeks to destabilize the attacker, while the attacker aims to recover balance and maintain presence. This dynamic interaction forms the core of Aikido practice and philosophy.

Aikido is part of the Japanese tradition of budō, or ‘martial ways’. The ultimate purpose of budō is self-development, promoting calm, focus, discipline and compassion.

Aikido beginners’ courses

We regularly run six-week beginners’ courses. These introduce you to the fundamentals of aikido, including stretching, rolling, falling safely, basic throwing and pinning, and traditional dojo etiquette.

Our next beginners’ courses are scheduled for:

  • Monday 2 September 2024
  • Monday 7 October 2024
  • Monday 4 November 2024
  • Monday 2 December 2024

See our Classes page for more details.

About the club

The instructor, Pádraic Moran, has practised aikido for 25 years. He regularly attends international seminars in Ireland, the UK, and France, and has travelled three times to the Tokyo international headquarters (Hombu Dojo). He currently holds the rank of 3rd dan (3rd black belt).

Pádraic works directly under the technical supervision of Philippe Gouttard (7th dan, Shihan), one of France’s most senior instructors.

We also have a long-standing friendship with the Dublin Aikikai group, headed by Michael O’Donovan (5th dan), and we regularly train together.

A typical aikido class

Aikido practice follows the traditions of a Japanese dōjō ‘training place’. The atmosphere is quiet, calm and focused.

We begin with a seated bow. There follow about ten minutes of warming up (aiki taisō), then some rolling practice (ukemi) and footwork exercises (tai sabaki). Most of the class is given over to partner practice. After the instructor demonstrates, students practise in pairs. Each student takes turns in the role of attacker (uke) and defender (tori). Most classes usually end with some free practice. The class then concludes with another seated bow.

New students gradually learn traditional dojo etiquette (rei). These customs and habits are centred around expressing respect: self-respect, respect for your training partner, respect for the instructor and the art, and respect for the place you train in.

(Read more about aikido training on our Blog.)